What is Bariatric Surgery?
Bariatric surgery is done to reduce the weight of a highly obese person. Such high obesity is known as morbid obesity. Morbid obesity is diagnosed when a person weighs almost 45.5 kg more than the normal weight based on height weight proportion.
Morbid obesity may cause life-threatening complications like blood pressure, diabetes and heart attack.
Many types of bariatric surgeries are - Laparoscopic band surgery, Laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy surgery, Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery, Laparoscopic mini gastric bypass surgery.

What are types of Laparoscopic Bariatric Surgeries?
What is band surgery?
This is a laparoscopic procedure in which the surgeon places a special band around the upper part of the stomach. Because of this food intake in the stomach reduces which subsequently leads to the weight loss.
How a band surgery is done?
Surgery begins with giving patient general anesthesia which makes him completely unconscious during the surgery.
Four Incisions of 5-10 mm diameter are made in the abdominal wall.
Through these incisions a special tube viz. cannula is inserted. Through cannula, Carbon Dioxide is pumped into abdomen causing it to inflate. This inflated abdomen helps the surgeon to reach the location and gives space to perform the surgery.
With help of images transmitted by camera attaché to laparoscope, surgeon places band around upper part of the stomach. This band shrinks the stomach to the smaller size reducing the food intake into it.
Finally, incisions are cleaned, closed and dressed.

How long does one need to stay in the hospital after Band Surgery?
This laparoscopic surgery requires very short hospital stay which may extend to ---- days.Full recovery from surgery takes about four to six weeks.
What is a Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery?
This is a laparoscopic procedure in which the surgeon removes some portion of stomach reducing it to the shape of a banana. Such a reduction in stomach size makes patients feel full after eating less. This decreased food intake leads to desired weight loss in the patient
How a Sleeve Gastrectomy is Done?
Surgery begins with giving patient general anesthesia which makes him completely unconscious during the surgery.
Four Incisions of 5-10 mm diameter are made in the abdominal wall.
Through these incisions a special tube viz. cannula is inserted. Through cannula, Carbon Dioxide is pumped into the abdomen causing it to inflate. This inflated abdomen helps the surgeon to reach the location and gives space to perform surgery.
With the help of images transmitted by camera attaché to the laparoscope, the surgeon carefully traces a curve on which stomach is cut. Then he removes a specific portion of the stomach with the help of a special cutter i.e. ultrasonic scalpel. After this, using the special staples he closes the cut area forming a banana shape.Finally, incisions are cleaned, closed and dressed.

How long does one need to stay in the hospital after sleeve gastrectomy surgery?
This laparoscopic surgery requires very short hospital stay which may extend to --days.Full recovery from surgery takes about four to six weeks.
What is a Gastric Bypass Surgery?
In this procedure, the surgeon creates small sized stomach pouch by stapling the original stomach. This newly created stomach pouch is attached to mid part of small intestine i.e. jejunum creating a bypass.This surgical procedure is also known as a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB).
Gastric bypass is most assured surgery for weight loss among all other bariatric surgeries.
How a Gastric Bypass Surgery is Done?
Surgery begins with giving patient general anesthesia which makes him completely unconscious during the surgery.
Four Incisions of 5-10 mm diameter are made in the abdominal wall.
Through these incisions a special tube viz. cannula is inserted. Through cannula, Carbon Dioxide is pumped into abdomen causing it to inflate. This inflated abdomen helps the surgeon to reach the desired location and gives space to perform the surgery.
Finally, incisions are cleaned, closed and dressed.

How long does one need to stay in the hospital after gastric bypass surgery?
This laparoscopic surgery requires very short hospital stay which may extend to ---- days.Full recovery from surgery takes about four to six weeks.
What is a mini gastric bypass surgery?
Mini gastric bypass surgery is a combination of sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass surgery. In this procedure, the stomach is reduced to the banana size removing its major portion. Then this newly formed stomach pouch is joined to mid portion of the small intestine i.e. jejunum
Mini gastric bypass surgery less time consuming and less complicated than the traditional gastric bypass or Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) surgery.
This surgery is recommended if there is no substantial weight loss happened after doing gastric band or sleeve surgery.
How a Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery is Done?
Surgery begins with giving patient general anesthesia which makes him completely unconscious during the surgery.
Four Incisions of 5-10 mm diameter are made in the abdominal wall.
Through these incisions a special tube viz. cannula is inserted. Through cannula Carbon Dioxide is pumped into the abdomen causing it to inflate. This inflated abdomen helps the surgeon to reach the desired location and gives space to perform the surgery.
Finally, incisions are cleaned, closed and dressed.

How long does one need to stay in the Hospital after Mini Gastric Bypass Surgery?
This laparoscopic surgery requires very short hospital stay which may extend to ---- days.Full recovery from surgery takes about four to six weeks.