Postnatal care
After 9 months of pregnancy most awaited moment arrives that brings all the joy to the family. All the suffering a mother goes through fades away as she sees her newborn baby. But a new challenge awaits her; which is taking care of a newborn and herself.
Now let’s talk about care to be taken after the child birth which in medical term is known as postnatal care (after birth). This care is taken up to 6 weeks after the child birth.
We provide facilities that allow the staff to observe the mother and the new born 24X7. The qualified staff and the doctors are trained to see any of the minute variations in the behavior other than expected one.
It is extremely important to take care of the baby and the mother after the child’s birth because they have high risk of dying due to:
It is of high priority to observe them continuously.

Patients sometimes ask for their rituals to be followed like tying holy bands to baby and mother, giving them ”prasad” and some of the rituals. But we are strict about certain rules cause a new born and mother both are imposed to lots of dangers.
We highly recommend that after birth -
Till now we saw physiological health of a mother. But, after childbirth a mother goes through postpartum period. Such postpartum depression is very common in mothers. It can last up to 6 months. We as team care not only the physical but also the mental health of mother.