Painless Labor-Labor Analgesia
Giving birth to child is as good as rebirth of women. This is because labor pain is the most extreme pain a person can bear. Now seeing your baby face after this pain must be most memorable moment but what mother go through is whole other level of torture. With advances in science many miracles are reaching humans. One such miracle is painless labor. Even listening this “painless” might give lots of wow feelings to every other lady.
What is Analgesia?
It means loss of ability to feel the pain while you are conscious.and labor analgesia is painless labor

Painless Labor Procedure
While performing these procedures mother’s position also matters. She can seat with maximum knee extension with forward lean. By this doctors find the midline between the vertebras
Regional one is commonly used in United States. There are two types of regional analgesia. These both can be used in a combination as well.
Epidural Analgesia
Space between outermost membrane of the spinal cord and vertebral wall is epidural space.Epidural analgesia is passed in to this epidural space.
Spinal Analgesia
Spinal injections are usually single injections which are given into the intrathecal space (route through which injection reaches spinal cord).